Interior Shutters: Inside Mount or Outside Mount?

Inside Mount vs. Outside Mount

At first glance, interior plantation shutters may all look to be installed the same way, however there are two very distinctly different options that homeowners can choose from when installing them. Outside mounted shutters are installed around the existing window, almost like a frame surrounding it. Inside mounted shutters are inset into the window so that they sit flush with the wall. With the price point being the same regardless of mount choice, it can oftentimes leave homeowners wondering which one is the “better” option.

Outside mounting is typically a good choice for windows that don’t have a deep window sill to accommodate an inside mount, or if the windows tilt in. The outside mount will hide imperfections or spaces, and will also add depth to the window, drawing more attention to the window and the covering itself. This option is also a great idea for French doors or windows with obstructions such as cranks or alarm devices. The things to consider when choosing this option would be space, accessibility and location of the window. If a room is smaller, and you are looking to save space, an inside mount may be a better option.

The inside mount is a more individualized option where the shutter is essentially installed inside the window recess, causing it to extend out significantly less. The shutter will sit about as far out as the window sill would.  An inside mount is a seamless look that allows for the shutters to blend in with the windows themselves more so than an outer mounted shutter would. This process does require precise measuring to ensure there are no gaps or spaces; the shutter should basically fit in the recess like a puzzle piece. This option is a great idea for highly trafficked areas or spaces that need extra room around the windows.

When meeting with a team member to receive a quote, it may be beneficial to have in mind what type of mount you are leaning towards, and we can also go over the options with you in person to take a look at your individual preferences and needs. If you would like to speak with us about interior shutters and discuss your ideas and project visions, please click here to submit your information so that a team member can reach out to you and get your project started today!

Inside (L) Mounting vs. Outside (R) Mounting